1712 Tax Lists, Perquimans County, North Carolina

Scanned from original photocopies of the archival documents by Harold Colson in April 2000.

Source: North Carolina State Archives, Colonial Court Records, Taxes & Accounts, 1679-1754, CCR 190, Tax Lists, Perquimans County, 1702-1754

These are separate lists of district returns rather than a single Perquimans-wide document, but the total name count suggests complete or almost-complete coverage.
A list of Tithables taken by Richd: Skinner Constable in the upper district of the South side of Paquimmons River / Dec: 12th 1712
40 names: front

A List of tithables above Sutons Crk runing up Paquimuns river to the head / (no date)
although undated, bears a strong resemblance to the document above and carries names consistent with a 1712 tally; 45 names: front

A List of Tythables taken by Richard Skinner Constable for one part of pequimans precinct / December the 9th 1712
55 names: front

A List of Tithables taken by me James Morgen Constable / December 1712 /[on reverse] Tythables in Pequimans
72 names: front