1784 Property Tax Lists, Perquimans County, North Carolina
Scanned from original photocopies of the archival documents by
Harold Colson
in August 2001.
North Carolina State Archives, Perquimans County, Tax Records, Taxables, 1780-1784
These are separate lists of returns from two of the five county districts, Harvey's Neck and Hertford.
[key to household column headings: acres of land, where situated, free poles, black poles, town lotts]
List of Taxables in Harveys Neck Destrict for the year 1784 Taken by Edward Hall Junr. August the 28d: 1784
127 names
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Perquimans County / A list of The Taxable Property in The Hertford District for the Year 1784 Taken by William Skinner
93 names
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