1750 Tax Lists, Perquimans County, North Carolina

Scanned from original photocopies of the archival documents by Harold Colson in August 2001.

Source: North Carolina State Archives, Perquimans County, Tax Records, Taxables, 1750-1753

These are separate lists from justices and constables; complete county coverage may be lacking. Some lists name apprentices, boarders, and relatives present in household.

Perquimons County September the 1st 1750 / A List of Tythables Taken by the Subscriber on Oath as the Law Derects / October the 15th Test. Jo. Sutton
45 names, with additional details about children, household members, and slaves: front

A List of Taxables for the year 1750 begun the 18th day of August / Perqms. County Octor. the 15th 1750 Test Jno: Stevenson
20 names, with additional details about children, household members, and slaves: front

A list of Tythables gave in to Mac: Scarbrough for the year 1750
78 names: front | back

North Carolina Perqs. County / A List of Thythables for the year 1750 / [on reverse] Taken on oath before me John Whedbee
34 names, with additional information about children, household members, and slaves: front | back

A true List of Taxables given in on oath & Solemn affirmation to me the subscriber, one of his majestys Justices of the peace for the County of Perqus: for the year 1750 / [signed on reverse] Tho: Weekes
70 names, with additional information about children, household members, and slaves: front | back

Perqus. County / A List of Tythables Taken by me James Sitteson in the year 1750
134 names: front | back

[The following documents carry no enumerations of household taxables and many names are repeated from the lists above.]

No. Carolina Perqus. County / A true List of the names of the masters, mrs., and overseers of Plantations, being & residing within my District, and by me Summoned to give in their several Lists of taxables for the present year 1750. according to law. and returned to Octbr: County Court by me John Weekes
112 names: front | back

These May Certify that this is a true List of all the Masters & Mistreses of Familys and Overseeers of plantations within my District taken this present year Oct. 15th 1750 / [on reverse] Test John Perry: Constable
88 names: front | back

The List of Yowpim Distract for the year 1750 / [signed] Jacob Carruthers Constable
71 names: front